Iguana...It's What's for Dinner!

Any missionary can tell you one of the questions we are asked most when we return to the United States is, "What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?" I've eaten some pretty odd things (i.e. cow stomach soup), but iguana has to be at the top of my list! So here's a story in pictures! Enjoy!

The hunt begins!

Something's crawling around in that tree!

Can you spot our dinner?

Got one!

The mighty hunter returns!

They caught this one alive!

Cleaning the meat

You'll need vegetable oil, chicken bouillon, water, milk, onion, garlic, and lots and lots of fresh cilantro!

Admit it...this looks pretty good!

Who needs turkey??? Iguana--it's the other white meat.
2 Responses
  1. Kathy Says:

    Did I inspire this disgusting blog when I told your sister to put an iguana in your bed? If so, next time I'll suggest a Godiva chocolate on your pillow! I'd ENJOY that pictorial romp!

    Love you,
    Aunt Kathy

  2. Kimberly Grainger Says:

    Oh, gag. My face is contorted, trying to imagine the taste of your feast, my love of cilantro notwithstanding. Gotta love the weird things missionaries eat. Laura once had guinea pig and monkey brains. Yowza.

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